, pub-2531369028479183, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 1 2 3 THE BIRD: Learn more about Israel with video

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Learn more about Israel with video


How can you defend a country that practices apartheid and genocide and indoctrinates its children with ideas that lead to racism and genocide?

An IDF soldier says: “I am looking for children to kill but there are none left. I killed a girl who was 12 years old, and I am looking for a child.”

Before October 7, Israel arrested and tortured thousands of Palestinians as an occupying state under the auspices of countries claiming democracy and human rights, such as the United States.

This deranged Israeli wants to exterminate the Palestinians in Gaza so he can see the sea

This is a girl from Israel telling you about how her country thinks.

This is a girl from Israel telling you about how her country thinks.

Israel recognizes that it is an apartheid state!

America encourages and supports apartheid and genocide.

Watch how Israel destroyed Gaza because it rejected injustice and occupation and how the imperialist regimes of the West supported the crimes committed by Israel in Gaza.

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