, pub-2531369028479183, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 1 2 3 THE BIRD: A Message to Western Governments and Western Peoples

Thursday, August 22, 2024

A Message to Western Governments and Western Peoples


I would like to address this message to highlight the negative impacts of the biased and unethical policies you adopt regarding the Palestinian issue. These policies not only reflect a blatant disregard for human rights and fundamental human values, but they also lead to serious consequences that affect the future of international relations.

Firstly, the continued support of some Western countries for Israeli policies without considering justice and the rights of Palestinians reinforces a double standard in the field of human rights. While these countries advocate for human rights and equality worldwide, they ignore or support human rights violations in the occupied Palestinian territories. This contradiction raises serious questions about the credibility of the values they promote and their selective application.

Secondly, these biased policies exacerbate resentment and hatred among Arabs, Muslims, and the peoples of the world towards the West. When people around the world see blatant discrimination in how the West handles human rights issues, dissatisfaction increases, and prejudice against Western values escalates. This not only leads to deteriorating relations between East and West but also strengthens radical tendencies and undermines efforts for international peace and stability.

Thirdly, the West's commitment to supporting unethical policies in Palestine threatens to undermine regional and international stability. The ongoing escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict fosters an environment of violence and unrest, which in turn affects global security. Establishing the foundations of true justice and peace requires the West to reassess its positions and policies and to support fair and comprehensive solutions to the conflict.

The biased and unethical Western policies towards issues such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict indeed lead to significant feelings of hatred and resentment among the Arab and Islamic peoples and many peoples of the world. This situation results in multiple outcomes and thoughts that can significantly affect the future:

  • Increased hostility towards the West: The perceived biased policies of the West may lead to increased hostility and hatred towards Western countries, exacerbating tensions between the Arab and Islamic world and the West. This hostility may manifest in various forms, including extremism and terrorism.
  • Strengthening radical movements: The feelings of injustice and frustration resulting from these policies may strengthen radical movements and extremist groups that exploit these sentiments for recruitment and incitement against the West.
  • Erosion of trust in international organizations: With the continued Western support for Israel despite human rights violations, the trust of the peoples in international institutions like the United Nations weakens, contributing to the erosion of the international legal system and increasing chaos.
  • Deepening cultural and civilizational gaps: Western policies that ignore the feelings and rights of peoples in the Arab and Islamic world deepen the cultural and civilizational gap between the West and these peoples, complicating efforts for dialogue and understanding between cultures.
  • Impact on economic and political relations: Continued resentment and hatred can negatively affect economic and political relations between Western countries and the Arab and Islamic world, leading to reduced cooperation and exacerbating economic and political crises.
  • Pushing nations to seek new allies: Peoples and governments that feel targeted or unsupported by the West may seek new alliances with other powers, potentially leading to a reshaping of the global system and balance of power.

Therefore, if these biased policies continue, we may witness a future marked by greater tension and instability at both international and regional levels. The solution lies in adopting fair and balanced policies that recognize the rights of all peoples and work towards achieving peace and justice rather than deepening divisions.

I urge you to review your policies and assume moral responsibility to achieve balance and justice in your handling of the Palestinian issue. Adopting policies based on respect for human rights and ethical principles will contribute to enhancing international relations and establishing peace and stability.



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